Friday, April 27, 2012

Wow! Just getting started on the blog, it is gonna be an interesting new life. Homeschooling and blogging, I think I'll have the kids learn blogging 101 so they can keep everyone up-to-date.

Well, We are the Harvey family from Spearfish, South Dakota. We are a family of four- Nathan, 31 will be a traveling nurse and our bread winner. Myself, Heather, 34 will be the stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher! Piper-beautiful Piper, will be turning 12 on our journey. Scout, our entertainer, who will be 8 very shortly here. And last but not least our Chihuahua Stache, the mascot for our RV lifestyle.
We have a lot to learn and a lot to look forward to. We have a tentative departure date of June 12th or so. Starting in Portland OR, or so the plan goes as of now. Can't wait to get out there...

1 comment:

  1. I need to add Keigen to our family list, since he will be "part-timing" with us "full-timers."
