Friday, June 22, 2012

Woah! June 22nd already!!!

Okay, so I will need to work on this updating in a timely fashion thing. It has been eight days now since we left Spearfish-and time flies when you're having fun.

 We left Spearfish and arrived in Buffalo WY where we stayed at Deer Park RV park, it was very beautiful, and the kiddos loved the pool. Jerry and Marsha met up with us there and so we spent most of Father's Day with the "old man."
 From Buffalo we headed to Bozeman to meet up with Brandon who was heading home from a wedding filled weekend. On the road from Buffalo we had our first tire blowout-funny thing if you have a triple axle and a dully truck you don't even notice a blowout-oops! So some very friendly folks came to our aid at a gas station in Drummond MT, and sped our "recovery" along. We also stopped in for a "potential" repair at All Phases Repair just outside of Missoula where another friendly gent named Jim helped us out. It is wonderful to know good people are out there and I hope our luck continues with us along the road. After we were all fixed up we met Brandon, had dinner and tooled around Bozeman.

 From Bozeman we were Missoula bound. When I was 18 I lived in Pablo/Polson/Flathead area and we often went to the hot spring that we called Bob Weir-which is actually named Weir Creek Hot Springs, so I  was excited to show my family my old hangout. Well we didn't go to "Weir" but we stayed at Lolo Hot Springs, and then drove up to Jerry Johnson Hotsprings which is only a couple miles west of Weir, I can't believe we never went to those springs back in the day- they were wonderful- the hike in was almost as rewarding as the springs. We then ate a late dinner at Lochsa Resort-which was also a wonderful new place I hope to return to someday.

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